After hanging up from their conversation, some participants have sent us emails or recorded messages about their experience.

“I was feeling a little bit anxious initially about, I don't know how to hold that space and I’m not sure if I felt like talking. And then here I am, two hours and 20 minutes later, after having a wonderful meandering, intellectual and philosophical conversation that went many places.”

“I realised I'd missed that sudden slippage of time, of being so bound up in a person and their thoughts that nothing else quite mattered.”

“The questions had us bending time, looking into the past and looking into the future. This weird warping of reality.”

“Something in our conversation both enabled me to feel more of a sense of possibility for the future and also enabled my partner to feel more of a sense of possibility for her now. It was a really fun, really fun conversation and I loved the prompts, and love what you've made and loved talking in the dark.”

“Some sort of weird weaving magic occurred, that bent time in on itself. And there's like a deep metaphor in being in lockdown in Melbourne - the never ending five months of this thing where time stops being linear. It stopped being linear a long time ago.”

“It's very like easy to talk and it made me think about the range of people that you get calling.”

“You feel safe because you're in a dark space, and somewhere you're comfortable with as well. And my partner was really nice. I feel really lucky to have had a partner who was very open to vulnerability.”

“I feel really connected to her, and just really energized.”

“it gave me a lot of perspective on some of the challenges that I'm facing in my life at the moment and gave me some clarity on some questions that I've been trying to conquer.”

“There's something unique about the connection that we formed. But that kind of connection really could be formed between any two people. And I guess the premise of this whole project is, that's exactly the case and two people can form a connection. But they often don't have the impetus or the time or the reason to do so. Yeah, I found that was really fantastic. And I'll definitely recommend it to my friends and colleagues. And thank you.”

“That was such a beautiful experience! I feel a kind of jittery joy and energeticness like I did when I was a teenager and I would take the cordless phone, and I'd go up to my bedroom and I'd chat to my friends or like maybe even a crush.”

“I just have this extreme enthusiasm and optimism for people now. Just to know that I just spoke to a stranger for almost two hours on the phone and we hadn't known anything about each other. That is kind of something that's even possible! I could have this kind of relationship with people I pass on the street.”

“I think we joked at the end that we might just run into each other at one point and not even know.”

See also this review